Friday, 23 March 2012

Picture onto sound

As you may have seen from our various Facebook and Twitter updates, we have been both focusing on locking picture and seeking out a sound designer to move "Clowning Around" onto the next stage so we can complete in May.

So far, the edit process has been conducted remotely in that editor Ian Davies has been working on the cuts and then exporting, sending to me and then implementing my notes via email. Due to both Ian and mine work commitments, this was the best way to keep it ticking along without having to arrange and then rearrange edit sessions. But it does make it difficult to discuss a scene or to fine cut, so we met a few Saturdays ago to do just that. As Ian is now on a very time-consuming programme and the main jobs of pacing and selecting the best shots are done (and also because I work as an editor also), I made any final changes myself after that.

There are many people who would say "if you edit yourself, why get an editor in?" but my answer has always been that it adds a sense of objectivity, brings in anothers skillset and adds another contact to your black book. Plus having the skills to put your ideas across to an editor in a concise way (without jabbing your finger at the screen and shouting "NO! Move that bit over there!") is something you need to develop if you plan to work consistently in this industry. Now that has been achieved, I felt fine that I could give it the final pass and lock it before sending to sound.

I also needed to find a sound designer. I used to hold my hands up and admit sound wasn't really my thing but over the past year or so, it is something I have paid more and more attention to so wanted to get someone who was very enthusiastic, got the tone of the film and got the scope of the level of detail we wanted. After putting ads out on various sites, I started to realise how much our project stood out as I received over 250 applications for a role I would usually get less than 25. After whittling them down to 5, I met with each designer to go through ideas and what deadlines we would need to work to.

As with many aspects of the production, I have taken a lot of time to consider each application and meet with people rather than go with my initial gut instinct, so I know that even if I do make mistakes, they have been made properly considering all the information I had at the time, not rushed for a quick fix.

After meeting with the various sound people, I went with Attic Sound who had an impressive body of work and were very keen to get involved. You can check out their website at and I have now sent them the relevant files they need. Attic sound consists of Anna Bertmark and Joss Albert and have worked on... You can also follow them on Twitter @atticsound

As I am working on Avid, and they are on Mac, this can be tricky. Luckily working with audio is a lot better than with picture (as Avid deals with OMF/MXF media and Quicktime .mov files whereas both work with. WAV, and .AAF). I exported an .AAF file from Avid which has all the audio media consolidated and embedded in it, with 75 frame handles (3 seconds extra in each audio clip so you can fade in and out if you want to) as well as a Quicktime movie with BITC (burnt in timecode) so they could make sure everything was in sync and when discussing anything could be really specific. I also sent them all the sound rushes and log sheets so that they have all the information about the recorded sound that there is.

I also sent a copy of the Quicktime to the composer Alexis Bennett so he can work with the locked picture and he has now sent me some examples that I can look through (as well as show those of you who went for the 'viewing' perk in our IndieGoGo campaign).

Now that those two processes are moving, I now need to find someone to grade the film so it can be as colourful and cinematic as we originally aimed for.

The last piece of the puzzle is finding someone to be the voice of Clowns UK, who leave a message on the answerphone that kickstarts Bonzo's journey. I have always wanted this to be someone who is known to an audience for their role as a 'comedy legend' so am currently speaking with a number of agents to get the right person on board and will keep you posted on any progress!

That's all for now, but still aiming for that May completion date :-)