This weekend I have spent one day each with the colourist
and with the sound design team. After my slight panic at seeing how close our
deadline was, I am now thoroughly enjoying working with the two departments and
realise we have plenty of time to not only complete the film, but also to look
at the film creatively and try a few things so we know the film is absolutely
right, something which is not always the case.
Picture wise, Andre has been working his way very
thoroughly through the film. After a first technical pass of the film to
balance out all the colours, we then went to try and establish looks for each
scene (examples of this are on our Facebook page). From there, we took the DOP
Azul Serra’s input as to his intentions when shooting and then left Andre to
firm up some options so we could make a definitive decision. On Saturday I met
Andre and we spent time on the pub interior and fight scene as these are
particularly atmospheric.
On Sunday, myself and composer Alexis Bennett headed
to Brighton to meet designers Joss and Anna so we could all talk through the
sound together.
We are getting close to the end and now discussing the film
in a level of detail that I have not experienced with a short before. Andre has
broken down each element of every shot so we can for example isolate and tweak
the type of red of Bonzo’s nose to make it more or less vibrant or make
Fernelli’s eyes sparkle more and Anna is designing sounds such as the squeak
Bonzo’s feet make dependant on his mood and rhythm. Giving ourselves the time
and getting people on the project who are not only skilled, but show great
enthusiasm and passion for it is what I think will make this film stand out and
these tiny little details lead the audience to both enjoy the story and wish
Bonzo success against the many challenges he faces.
This week we will have a 80% pass on both picture and video
so will be the first time we have all the different elements working together
and then gives us a final 10 days to add the final thoughts before we lock the
film and organize the premiere.