Logging back into my email with a moderately clear mind, things are becoming a little clearer. One is that the complexity of this project needs clear delegation and boxes need to start being ticked. I always find it difficult at the beginning as there is a lot of discussion (albeit necessary as we need to all be on the same page before we start running off and doing stuff) and I just want to get stuck in. The other is what things are more complicated with little to no money. We are trying to get a network of producers who will work together to sort the various elements and this will take time in the early stages as people need to get their head around what we are doing and where they can help. I sent an email to all last week and I am sure we will start getting a few things going this week.
I think the most difficult thing at the moment is getting the website up, as asking a digital manager/designer to come on board for nothing is not working. A number of designers replied to an ad I put out on www.mandy.com and even though I had put the low budget nature of the project on there, none have replied to my response to them. It may take a little rethink as to how we do this as we need this up and running for the launch of our IndieGoGo campaign.
I will spend this evening going through my notes (I tend to get nothing done unless I write it down...) and then viewing various crowd-sourcing campaigns and prioritizing our most pressing concerns before I meet up with the rest of the core crew next Tuesday to discuss the stills shoot.
One good thing that is looking like being sorted is that Leilani has possibly sorted a photographic studio for the stills shoot, and is viewing this Thurday...nice work lady!