Tuesday 6 September 2011

Knuckling Down!

It feels a bit like everythings gone quiet after the fundraising drive finished, I'm sure. My twitter stream has gone back to it's mostly regular banter about filmic things in general rather than the complete clowntown stream of conciousness it had been for weeks, and similarly my facebook, Google+, Linkedin and other social networking sites have become much less clown related.

However things have been bubbling away as the team knuckles down to the process of pre-production. Everyone has their tasks to get along with and we're all working together to share our particular skills. Camera hunting has been on the agenda, as has more location hunting, scouting and negotiating, most of which has been being done by our awesome team, while I handle sending jpegs to people for the poster competition (240 people have asked for them so far and we have a growing number of submissions on our facebook page) and otherwise, I'm generally helping out with various bits of stuff needed by different departments and looking to ensure the future awareness for the project still stays a active now that the fundraising is over. None of the day to day bits and bobs makes for exactly thrilling blogging (hence things being a bit quiet) but it's all essential to actually knuckling down and making sure that the film gets made to the quality and calibre that we've promised people and so that people get to share that process with us.

Our last meeting was on the 30th August and our priority since then has been to finish off getting quotes for the camera kit and try to get the interior locations locked down. There was a film event by Sunday Screenings that Damien was doing a Q&A about Clowning Around at as well as screening another Summit from Nuthin film "The Longest Pint". I was 5o/50 if I could go to the event and in the end didn't get back to go across London on time, but I wanted to spend some time promoting it in the days before and make sure people had the opportunity to come down and speak to Damien and the other team members in a casual setting & get the behind the scenes guys down to take some footage too.

The rest of the week I was getting the various forms ready for production. Going over the perks we need to fulfil for our backers and beginning to collate information from departments so we can think about the additional crew & resources we need, locking down the ones we have decided upon and begin estimating areas of the budget so that myself and Katherine can have a sit down and I can give her enough information for her awesome budget stretching skills. Checking in with the behind the scenes team and comic book artist Phoenix Ryte on the videos that are coming up from our comics live drawing night. Getting some articles ready for online publishing. It's all quite interesting to do and not always gripping to write about. I have to say though that I'm learning a lot from our brilliant people who do this for a living and make it seem so easy. Damien most of all who is just inspiring and almost tireless as he moves forward with things.

All in all it's ticking along and I am keen now to begin ticking more things off our lists and getting things concreted as I'm sure the team are keen for that too. That job-done-moving-on feeling is a good feeling to have. Our shoot dates don't seem that far away and although we're doing well, I know from prior productions how things can change rapidly as that production date approaches and I want to be prepared. This is a fun time though. If there were a recipe for filmmaking then this would be the bit where you start unpacking and checking all the ingredients and there are nice smells in the air from preparing the stock and you have the anticipation of how the tasty things you have gathered will meld into something substantial and satisfying that you can share with everyone.

We're not having a meeting this week, we're all going to knuckle down and get chopping away at those ingredients instead. *:o)

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