Thursday 25 August 2011


Today had all the markings of a bad day - I couldn't find my oyster card (and had to buy a new one), my train was late and then stuck underground, and eventually when I did make it outside once more it was pouring down with some pretty nasty rain.

None of this however diverted me from my good mood. I couldn't figure out why at first, until, sitting on the train I received first an email from one of our producers Graham, then another from Katherine and a third from our unit manager Markus all in quick succession. All carried one piece of news - we'd reached our target! and with 46 hours still to go.

I'm incredibly proud of all the hard work the production team have put in thus far to make this happen. And also very grateful to all our wonderful backers. Of course now we just want to keep that indiegogo counter climbing.

Anything is possible:-)

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