Wednesday 8 June 2011

Production Meeting with Key Crew, 7th June.

So. Last night's production meeting was a follow up from the previous production meeting. It was where the key crew had taken all the ideas Damien had talked about and gone away and come up with more ideas for the key elements of the film's look. Decisions can now be made for costume and makeup for the photo shoot, the colour pallet etc. And then those ideas will be adapted for the shoot where the setting will be slightly different so the costume colours etc. may need to be different but for a dynamic photo shoot things are coming together really well.

Right now we're operating on a tiny budget because we haven't crowd funded yet so it's invaluable to have good key crew who are resourceful and in addition to the crew, people at companies who've helped out with free makeup & the photo studio have been ace.

I've also heard back from a clothing textiles company I approached, who specialise in fabrics for the film & tv industry are probably able to help Katerina out with some free fabrics. Not sure how much yet, but it's all extremely useful support.

Anyway, a great meeting, it's so nice to see how things start to come together and how our clowns will look and get ideas for the photography. I piped up with an idea for marketing (and any press I can get) that a cool photo of Damien with the clowns will be good and came up with a fun suggestion! The costume assistant liked it so much she guffawed and spat her guiness all over me! A novel way to appreciate my humour but I guess I shouldn't complain that someone actually finds me funny. It's a rare occurence, as fortunately is being spat all over! Ahh the joys of producing! *:oD

We had a lot of exicting descriptions and imagery going on! I finally remembered to get Greer, the 1st AD to take a photo of me too!

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